Monday, March 19, 2018

Newsletter March 19, 2018

Hi Everyone,

We will be finishing up our study of The Three Little Pigs this week. We will be reading books from the wolf's perspective and one titled The Three Little Wolves and The Bad Pig by Eugene Trivizas and Helen Oxenbury. We will be doing a graph of which version of the truth the kids believe the wolf's or the pigs'. Pam from Burnham Library will be joining us on Tuesday at 1:00 for story time.

Our next theme will be Goldilocks and The Three Bears. We will compare and contrast the The Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks and The Three Bears story elements, continue our work on sequencing events, and work on size order for small, medium and large.

I have the privilege of being on the interview committee for the Assistant Principal position for Malletts Bay School. The interviews are on Tuesday and Wednesday this week so I will not be in class on those days. Meghan Mead will be my substitute both days. Tammy will also be out on Tuesday. We have two experienced guest teachers coming in. I am sure that the children will do a great job.

Dates to Remember

Tuesday, March 20, 2018- Pam from Burnham Library

Friday, March 23, 2018- In-service for staff- No School


Have a great week!

Nancy and Tammy

Monday, March 12, 2018

Newsletter March 12, 2018


We started our study of the Three Little Pigs. The kids have been acting it out with flannel boards, building materials in the sensory table and construction materials in the house area. We will be adding props to the block area this week. We have practiced retelling the story using sequencing cards and practicing the vocabulary first/then/next/last. We will continue this study for the next two weeks. Below are the words to the songs we will be singing during this theme.

Dismissal from Circle: I am a Little Pig (rap)
I am a Little Pig
I built a house of sticks
The Wolf blew it down
So now I do a crazy trick
Inside the house of brick. (then call a child to do a trick inside the circle and leave)

The Big Bad Wolf sung to This Old Man
Three Little Pigs
Walking down the street
A big bad wolf they did meet
So they ran home fast
And shut the door tight
No big wolf will get them tonight
Three little pigs

Straw, Sticks and Bricks sung to 3 Blind Mice
Straw, sticks and bricks
Straw, sticks and bricks
The Pigs built their houses
Out of straw, sticks and bricks

The Wolf came by
He blew down the straw
He blew the sticks but the bricks were strong
The Pigs lived happy all the days long
In their house of bricks

Dates to Remember:
Tuesday, March 20, 2018- Pam from Burnham Library will visit at 1:00
Friday, March 23, 2018- School closed for in-service

Have a great week!


Wednesday, March 7, 2018