Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Important Dates to Remember in December

Thurs. December 3rd: Wear sunglasses (I have extra if you don't have any)

Mon. December 7th: Wear clothes with buttons

Thurs. December 10th: Wear colorful shoes. 

Friday December 11th: Wear your favorite piece of clothing

Friday, December 18th: Bring something small to school that starts with the letter /P/

Tues. December 22nd: Pajama Day

December 23rd - January 1st: School Recess

January 4th: School Reopens

Monday, November 23, 2020

Painting On Canvas

 The culminating project for our Jackson Pollock study was to paint on canvas. We worked on the project for four days. Each day we layered a different color paint onto the canvas, musch like Jackson Pollock worked on his artwork over a series of days. We all consider them master pieces. 

Monday, November 16, 2020

Walking Rainbow Science Experiment

Last week, we did a color mixing experiment. We started with six empty jars. We filled one jar almost to the top with red colored water. We filled one jar almost to the top with yellow colored water. We filled one jar almost to the top with blue colored water. We put an empty jar in between each of the jars with colored water. We took six white papertowels and inserted one half of the paper towel into the colored water and the other half into the empty jar. The principal of capillary action caused the water to move up the papertowel and flow into the empty cup. The water stabilized and ended up at the same level in all the jars. Once the water level is the same in all the jars and the paper towels are all wet, the water stops moving from jar to jar. We watched the progression of colors on the papertowels all week and noticed the differences from one day to the next. This was a great visual experiment to show the children how colors mix to make new colors.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Pendulum Painting

We took advantage of the beautiful day and moved our art project outside. The children watched the arc of the swinging paint bottles while making a collaborative art project in the style of Jackson Pollock's "action art".

Monday, November 9, 2020

Helmet Painting

We will be experimenting with different ways to paint as part of our study of Jackson Pollock. For this activity, paintbrushes were attached to plastic helmets for the children to paint with. The children dunked the paintbrushes into the paint and then covered their paper with paint. Before the paint dried completely, we peeled the masking tape off revealing their first initial in the negative space.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Action Art

This month we are studying the "Action Art" of Jackson Pollock. The children worked together to create this masterpiece using string, yarn, and ribbon dunked in paint and then danced across the paper. They noticed when the colors mixed together they created new colors.