Tuesday, October 30, 2018

November Newsletter

Dear Families,

Your children were very busy last week. We made homemade applesauce with apples that
Ms. Sue picked off of her apple trees. The kids cut the apples, placed them in the crockpot
and mashed the cooked apples. It was delicious. Thank you Ms. Meghan for helping us with
the cutting project!
We wrapped up our study of apples and pumpkins on Friday with a Venn diagram of what
we learned. The kids shared how pumpkins and apples are alike and different. I did my
best to make visual representations of their thoughts. The characteristics that are unique to
the apple or the pumpkin are in the spaces that do not overlap. The characteristics that the
pumpkin and apple have in common are in the space in the middle that overlaps. It was

We will be studying the artist Jackson Pollock for the month of November. Jackson Pollock is
most famous for his “action” art. If you would like to read about him, here is the link to his
website https://www.jackson-pollock.org/ . The kids will be experimenting with many different
ways of creating “action” art- marble painting, yarn painting, helmet painting, painting with
pipettes, pendulum painting, blow painting with straws, etc. It will be a very active and messy
month. Please do not send your children to school in clothes that you do not want to get paint

Dates to remember:
November 1st: PJ Day
November 1st: Pam from Burnham Library
November 19th: No school- Parent/Teacher Conferences 10:30-6:30-more info to come soon
November 20th: No school- Parent/Teacher Conferences 8:00-12:00-more info to come soon
November 21st-23rd: No school- Thanksgiving Break
December 19th: Author’s Celebration with families 2:00-2:45

December 25th-January 1st: School closed

Friday, October 26, 2018

A Venn Diagram about apples and pumpkins

The children wrapped up their study of apples and pumpkins by sharing how apples and pumpkins are the same and different. We made a visual representation of their information by drawing a Venn Diagram.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Apple Tasting

Today we tasted five different types of apples. The kids decided which one they thought tasted the best. We then used our math vocabulary to see which type was liked the most, the least, and the same by the children.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

October Songs

October Songs:
I have Five Senses- sung to Frere Jacques
I have five senses
I have five senses
I use them every day
I use them every day
Tasting, smelling, feeling,
Seeing and hearing
I have five senses
I have five senses

I’m A little Pumpkin- sung to I’m a Little Teapot
I’m A little Pumpkin
Orange and round
Here is my stem
I grew in the ground
When I get all cut up
Don’t you shout
Just open me up
And scoop me out

Have You Ever Seen a Pumpkin?
Have you ever seen a pumpkin, a pumpkin, a pumpkin?
Have you ever seen a pumpkin, that grows on a vine?
A round one, a tall one, a bumpy one,  a small one,

Have you ever seen a pumpkin, that grows on a vine?

October Newsletter


Hello everyone,

We switched our theme last week to pumpkins and the 5 senses. The children spent time
measuring the height and circumference of different pumpkins. They also mixed red and
yellow paint to create orange paint.They used the orange paint to paint a pumpkin. They
rolled pumpkins, and other round objects, down a ramp. We discussed which ones went
the farthest and closest and which items went fast or slow. We talked about different
attributes of the object that may have influenced how far it went; ie bumpy or smooth,
round or oblong, heavy or light. We also discussed the life cycle of a pumpkin plant and
the different parts of a pumpkin. They scooped out the pulp and seeds and we investigated
whether pumpkins continue to float when they have been scooped out (Yes, they do.).  I
roasted the pumpkin seeds and they got to taste them on Friday along with some pumpkin
bread I brought in. Phew! It was a busy week!

This week we will label the parts of a pumpkin, paint with gourds and pumpkins, play
pumpkin and sorting games, and much more. Next week we will switch from pumpkins
to apples and the 5 senses.

Your children are doing an amazing job at preschool! They have quickly learned the routines
and expectations of our day, are practicing the “flip trick” to independently put on their jacket,
made new friends, and most can pack their backpacks without help. Thank you for sharing
them with me each afternoon. I thoroughly enjoy my time with them.

Dates to remember:
Thursday, October 11th: Ms. Nancy out at a conference.
Friday, October 12th: Picture retakes at MBS between 8:30-9:30am
Wednesday, October 17th: Ms. Nancy out
Thursday, October 18th: School Closed for Teacher In-Service Training
Friday, October 19th: School Closed