Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Carly's Chicken Comes For A Visit

On Friday, Carly's Dad, Mr. Kevin , brought in Anna for a visit. The kids did a fantastic job listening to Carly and Mr. Kevin talk about Anna, were respectful and quiet so not to scare her, and used their gentlest touches when petting her.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Monday, May 6, 2019

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Preschool Farm

The children helped to create the dramatic play props by painting the barn and the tractor.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

May Newsletter

Welcome to May! Hopefully we willbegin to get some sunshine and warmer days. It is such
a relief not to have to manage snow pants and boots any longer. The amount of time it takes
us to come in from outside and get tready to go home is significantly shorter! This leaves
us more time to learn and play.

We wrapped up our recycling theme with a visit from Recycle Rhonda yesterday. She is a
very dynamic speaker and gave a wonderful, interactive presentation on how and what to
recycle. The kids loved it. Just as Rhonda was wrapping up, we had a fire drill. The kids left
the building in a very orderly manner. Some of them were a little chilly because we did not
stop to get coats. I explained in a real emergency we would not stop for coats. We were
outside for a very short amount of time.

We are talking about farms and farm animals for the month of May. This week we are
talking about barns and tractors. The children painted a red barn yesterday for the farm
in the dramatic play area. They will also be making a box tractor later this week. In
subsequent weeks, we will discuss cows, pigs, chickens, and sheep. Ms. Darcie is
incubating eggs in her room. We will visit her classroom a couple of times a week to check
on their progress throughout the month. They should hatch the week of May 21st. I hope
to have a CHS student come in with one of her chickens the week of May 21st to give talk
about the care a chicken needs.

Thank you to all of the parents who completed the annual satisfaction survey. We use this
information to let our administration know how we are doing and where improvements can
happen. If you have not done the survey, please take a few  minutes and do it here. Thank you:

Dates to Remember:
Thursday, May 2nd: Pam from Burnham Memorial Library Visit
May 7, 8, 9th: Kindergarten Screening at UMS and PPS
Monday, May 27th: School Closed for Memorial Day
Wednesday, June 12th: Last day of preschool

Thursday, June 13th: Picnic in the Park at Airport Park- more details to follow

Recycle Rhonda

Recycle Rhonda, from CSWD, visited our classroom on Tuesday. She talked to the children about what to recycle, what to compost, and what to throw in the trash. It was a very interactive presentation. The children loved it and we all learned something new.