Friday, October 30, 2020
Apple and Pumpkin Venn Diagram
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Apple Prints
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Apple Tasting
Today, we tasted four different varieties of apples. The children compared all of the flavors and picked their favorite. Here is how they voted. We then spent some time studying the graph to see what they noticed. Which one got the most votes? Which ones got the least number of votes? Were any equal? We represented each number with the numeral, a common dot pattern, and tally marks. The children noticed that three of the columns were equal. I showed them what that looked like symbolically. We then tied the apple tasting activity to our study of the five senses. The children used all five of their senses when interacting with the apples. They used their sense of sight to differentiate the color of the apples. They used their sense of taste to compare the flavors. They used their sense of hearing to listen to the apple crunch as they bit into it. They used their sense of smell when they noticed the sweet aroma the apples had. They used their sense of touch when they held the apple and noticed it was cold and smooth. There was so much learning and the kids thought they just got to taste apples!
Friday, October 16, 2020
Final Pumpkin Web
Today we wrapped up our study of pumpkins. I asked the children what they knew about pumpkins and recorded what they said on a pumpkin web. I compared the answers they gave today to the answers they gave me two weeks ago when we started our study. There has been so much growth! I noticed a lot of pumpkin vocabulary and facts woven into their answers. Well done preschool scientists!!
These were their answers today!
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Puffy Paint Pumpkins
Friday, October 9, 2020
Fall STEM activities
Preschool activities are rich in math and science opportunities. Children learn best through play. This week, they dissected a pumpkin, practiced balancing gourds on the balance scale, explored the principals of sink and float in the water table, mixed two colors (red and yellow) to create a third color (orange), measured pumpkins, and learned about the life cycle and parts of a pumpkin. Vocabulary I introduced included: height, circumference, tall/taller/tallest, big/bigger/biggest, small/medium/large, balance, sink, float, parts of a pumpkin: seeds, pulp, ribs, flesh, skin, and the life cycle of a pumpkin: seed, sprout, vine, flower, pollination, green pumpkin, orange pumpkin, seed.