Last week, we did a color mixing experiment. We started with six empty jars. We filled one jar almost to the top with red colored water. We filled one jar almost to the top with yellow colored water. We filled one jar almost to the top with blue colored water. We put an empty jar in between each of the jars with colored water. We took six white papertowels and inserted one half of the paper towel into the colored water and the other half into the empty jar. The principal of capillary action caused the water to move up the papertowel and flow into the empty cup. The water stabilized and ended up at the same level in all the jars. Once the water level is the same in all the jars and the paper towels are all wet, the water stops moving from jar to jar. We watched the progression of colors on the papertowels all week and noticed the differences from one day to the next. This was a great visual experiment to show the children how colors mix to make new colors.