Thursday, June 7, 2018

End Of The Year Newsletter

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the second to last week of school. The pictures above show you how I am
counting down to the end of the school year and what the kids think they are good at.
This week and next, we will be talking about endings and beginnings. We looked at
pictures of many of the activities we did this year and drew "My favorite part of pre-
school" pictures. I will send those home next week. We also made a list of what we can
do or are good at. The kids were very proud of their accomplishments. We will discuss
who is going to kindergarten and who is not going to kindergarten. I have pictures of the
kindergarten classrooms and playgrounds at UMS and PPS. We will compare how pre-
school is the same and different from kindergarten. Next week, we will write a letter to
next year’s class telling them all the important things they need to know about preschool.
There is a sing along scheduled with Mrs. Benay on Tuesday afternoon and the popsicle
party on Friday, June 15th at 2:00. It will be a fun and busy time.

I want to take a minute and thank you for sharing your children with me this year. It has
been an honor to spend my afternoons with them. They are an incredible group of caring
and capable people. I feel like I have learned from them as much as I have taught them.
I hope you have a wonderful summer filled with lots of outside and family time.


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