There is so much math that can be explored when setting the table together. Your child can
count how many pieces of silverware are used in all. They can compare if there are more pieces
of silverware used by grownups or children? Do some people use big silverware while others use
small silverware? Does everyone use the same silverware? Are there more forks or spoons? Are
there more pieces of silverware or dishes? They can count how many items were placed on the
table in all; plates + cups + silverware + napkins =? You could question how many would be left if
you took their plate/cup/silverware away. If the numbers are less than 10, you can ask your child to
show you what that number looks like using their "math hands" (fingers). You could also notice the
shape of your table. How many sides does it have? Are the plates the same shape or a different shape?
How about the cups? Are the cups the same shape as the table or different? Have fun with it.
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